‘2001: A Space Odyssey’. Is there a better Sci-Fi?



While the Retro Traveller is not really ‘into’ Science Fiction, I think he gained some interest after I explained why Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 epic, “2001: A Space Odyssey” goes down in history as one of my favourite films ever.


Is it the plot with a genuinely original storyline written by the eccentric Athur C Clarke, was it the fact that there was not ONE ‘celebrity’ included in the cast or was it Unsworth’s cutting-edge (for 1968) cinematography?  Perhaps a combination of all three that, for me, makes viewing my DVD copy like an annual pilgrimage.



He just can’t help himself but the disapproving Retro Traveller always comes out with, “Oh THAT film is just another ‘Starwars’, Wadders. And you know my thoughts on that commercial venture! “,  whenever I attempt to slot the DVD into the player.

But,  “2001: A Space Odyssey’s”  is far more original and unlike Starwars, the writer didn’t take his ideas, images, plots and themes from elsewhere.

2001 orion 1

Nothing short of brilliant, I still drool at the special effects, the zero-gravity reflections, the star gate sequences and of course, the innovative use of classical music.


Exciting of all, perhaps, is to see the fictitious spaceshuttle, Orion III used extensively throughout the film and bringing it to life with Pan American’s Globe logo – used from the early 1960s on all Pan Am fleet aircraft – is really clever.


GTrans International world-respected precision model maker is now venturing into handcrafted models of Sci-fi and space-related 3D creations.  The Company has, in fact, just released a limited production run of its hand-built, hand-painted large 1:144 scale (55.5cm fuselage length) model of the Orion III. Certainly it’s a ‘must have’ for any fan of the movie and/or Sci Fi collector.

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Be assured, one is on my ‘wish-list’ with gentle reminders to ‘you-know-who’ that it would make a fine addition to the Pan American Fleet Aircraft model collection.


Anything ‘Pan Am’ always tugs at the heartstrings and reminds me of a time 30 years ago during a short posting to New York city and ‘hoofing’ it to the office and always looking up at the large Pan Am signage atop 200 Park Avenue.  What a bold cultural and VERY American statement it made and needless to say why Kubrick had used the Pan American brand.


Think I’ll sign off and head to the DVD player, turn up the sound and watch the movie again.  What with the Retro-Traveller’s fixation on anything ‘Titanic‘- God forbid, I have to sit through another 3 hours of Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwyck or Kenneth Moore or Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winselt in a ‘Night to Remember’, “Titanic” (1958 -the best) and “Titanic” (1997 – yawn!), a bit of Sci-Fi will make a nice change.




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